Monte Carlo Service

Monte Carlo Service

12 October 2013

Could 2013 Be the Year .........

It is possible that 2013 will see a new name on the Tunnocks Mull Rally winners trophy, with James MacGillivray not starting the event due to engine issues in the Ford Escort Mk2 and now Calum  Duffy  has put his Escort off on Ardturn leaving John MacCrone in the Ford Fiesta S2400 growler out in front by 40 seconds from the Ford Focus WRC of Peter Taylor. Sitting in the wings is Eddie O'Donnell, a man that would be estatic to win this rally in his Ford Escort Mk2 and behind him is the only previous winner in the top10, Daniel Harper in the Mini Cooper might spring a few surprises in the dry conditions. With a further 3 stages tonight anything could happen before leg 2 gets underway on Saturday. News of Duffy restarting under super rally conditions tomorrow, could we see a Loeb style fight back from Calum and Del,

6 October 2013

Tunnocks Mull Rally 2013

Once again it is that time of year when an illness starts doing the rounds, not man flu but Rally Fever and the only cure is a trip to a small Scottish island for "The Best Rally in the World" the Mull Rally. What started out as a daft idea in 1969 for having some fun has now transformed into an annual adventure for many people all across the world. 

The 2013 edition of the Mull Rally has gone through a period of fine tuning to try and spice the evnt up a bit and bring a few new challenges to the table. First off the rally will Start from Tobermory and the crews will head towards Salen before turning now the Glen Road where Stage 1 and 2 will start, stage 1 will take the crews down the glen to Dervaig where crews will turn right and power over the Mishnish Lochs towards Tobermory. For stage 2 the crews head back down the glen road but this time turn left at Dervaig then taken on the challenge of the Hill Road and finish the stage by thundering down Loch Tuath. The other change for this year is the Saturday day time loop has been increase to give the competitors more daylight running which has been a welcomed move by many.

With a field of 114 competitors taking to the start in Tobermory on 11th October, there will be some epic battles brewing come the end of the 1st leg. The main contenders for victory this year are both local drivers from Dervaig both driving cars dispalying the Ford oval but in total different machines. Last years winner and the expereinced one in this battle is Calum Duffy piloting a Ford Escort Mk2 with his brother Ian along side shouting the notes, this pair will be favourites for another win. Trying to upset the Duffy party will be youngester John MacCrone who has got himself a Ford Fiesta S2400 car from Malcolm Wilson's M-Sport for the weekend and will have current WRC2 navigator Stuart Loudon on the notes again, a man rally fresh from calling notes for Robert Barrable on Rally France. Behind these two there is a queue of people looking to spoil the party, Tony Bardy will have the flame spitting Nissan Sunny GTiR geared for a fight providing the mechanical gremlins stay away, the Subaru Impreza WRC of John Cope will be hoping his luck is in this year, paired with rally winner Rob Fagg the spoils could be theirs come Sunday. Previous winner James MacGillivray just needs his Ford Escort Mk2 to run faultlessly this year as last year mechanical issues put paid to his rally early on, Mini expert Daniel Harper has been away modifing the little Mini Cooper S sausage tin to try and get closer to the front runners, come friday night Daniel will have a fair idea if the latest evolution of the Mini is an improvement. Mr flamboyant Eddie O'Donnell jnr will have the Ford Escort Mk2 dancing about for the crowds, expect his pace to be near the top if he is blessed with a clean run.

A few new faces have decided to get a piece of the action this year, Andrew Fenwick has an Ex Works Hyundai Accent WRC at his disposal for his trip to the island and fitted to the front of the Accent will be the latest in spotlight technology, laser lamp led lamps which claim to 25% brighter than conventional lamps this should come in hand for the 100 miles of night stages. Tarmac expert David Mann will be a dark horse, with his expreience of winning on the Isle of Man over the years standing him in good stead, the roads on Mull should be no problem. Further down the field John Rintoul has swapped his 4wd turbo armchair Evo for a Skoda Fabia R2 2wd pocket rocket which will keep him on his toes over the weekend. After the disappointment of last year, Allan Cameron will be just wanting a steady run to the finish, recently shaking the Subaru Impreza down on the Pendragon Stages the feeling is good with the car and navigator Angus Williams has had a recent trip to the Isle of Man to get match fit so preparations have been positive. Back for their 3rd outing are the Cooks, father and son team Richard and Edwin Cook from Lamplugh are fired up for a crack at the Group N award in the Subaru Impreza N10.

To keep up to date with all the news over the weekend vist or Once again the guys at iRally will be covering the event with reports coming from stage ends over the weekend to keep followers informed with all the action.

25 October 2012

Gerb and Rosco Tour Mull

Having never competed together Kevin “Gerbil” Charles and navigator Ross “Rosco” Williams headed to the Isle of Mull for one of Britain’s most challenging tarmac rallies, the Tunnocks Mull Rally. Attacking the unpredictable island roads in a Ford Fiesta ST, the challenge was made more difficult as Ross had never competed on a rally before and Kevin had done Mull 3 times but only finishing once.

The conditions for the recce were just what the crew wanted, perfect dry roads and the sun splitting the sky. After reccing each stage the crew prepared for the start on Friday night. At the start in Tobermory on Friday night the conditions were far from perfect, heavy rain had hit the island for two days so the roads were water logged and the new tarmac that had just been laid was lethal. On the opening stage the Mishnish Lochs Kevin and Ross took no risks and went for a steady run, the goal to get to the end of the leg. At service after the 2nd stage it was a surprise to be 82nd overall from a start number of 112. A further 6 stages remained before reaching Salen for the end of the leg but due to various delays it was well into Saturday morning when the crew finally finished, 76th overall was a great result given the conditions.


As daylight broke on Saturday morning the rain had eased off a bit so it was all hands to the deck to get the car repreped for the afternoon stages. Starting with Loch Scridain, one of the better stages for the crew, Kevin and Ross completed the legs 4 stages with no major problems and had moved up the leader board to 68th overall. A damaged wheel on the Mishnish Lochs, forcing a wheel change before the last stage of the leg being the only issue the crew had to deal with.


On to the final leg of the rally on Saturday night and the rain had finally just about stopped and the roads had dried out enough to provide some grip. A good run over the Knock (Gribun) and Loch Kinloch (Scridain) stages saw the crew move up to 57th overall by Saturday night service and heading out to the mammoth 22 mile final stage Kevin and Ross were in good spirits. Unfortunately once the pair reached the start of the final stage news came through the stage was stopped due to an accident which later lead to the stage being cancelled and all competitors were routed back to their accommodation as the rally was over. A little disappointed not to have done the last stage Kevin and Ross were never the less really pleased with finishing the 153 mile event 56th overall out 72 finishers. The key to the teams success was enjoying the rally and to be there at the end.

Thanks to Charles (Team Manager), Skall (Top Mechanic) and Phil (Oldest Man in Motorsport) for keeping the car running, the Fiesta never missed a beat all weekend.

15 September 2012

If In Doubt, Flat Out - Colin McRae

Today we remember the life of a true hero, Colin McRae and his son Johnny, friends Ben Porcelli and Graeme Duncan who were tragically killed 5 years ago.

This sums up the effect Colin had on so many people:

Up at five and really so keen,

To see the bond of man and machine

Three hours to drive to get to the start

We all have a laugh and so full of heart

We know it is early, the weather is damp

But we need to see cars come off the ramp

Through fog and rain we push on with style

We know the main man is due in a while

Then comes a whistle, the marshal says time

A car is now coming through forests of pine

Its howl is so frightening, like a banshee on heat

There is no escape, as we shuffle our feet

And suddenly now it's why we are here

McRae over crest of course in top gear!

Its been worth the wait, the weather, the toil,

To see the brave Scot here on home soil

But now there is silence, and its deafening too

Cos you and the wee man have bid us adieu.

So rest in peace Colin, you and your lad

You gave us your best, John be proud of your dad.

The memories you left us are above all the rest

You shone like a star, just simply the best.

Colin you're a mate and that's what we all thought

Now you're in heaven with your boy and at rest

But you left us the true meaning of FLAT OVER CREST!

9 September 2012

Mull Rally Fever

The words of Calum the Comet:

A historic day has come upon us;
Someone has won in a twenty-year-old bus.
A bit battered & rough, black & white,
but I think you'll agree, it drifts just right.
Commiserations to Neil,
I know how he feels,
But it paid to keep snapping at his heels.
A beautiful car, his times were impressive,
If you ask me, I think they were excessive.
When Saturday night came, so did the rain,
A spark of belief entered my mind again,
And then unfortunately Neil had to retire,
And from then on the saying goes,"God loves a trier".
I'm sure you'll agree, between me & you,
There's no better sound, than a flat out Mk II.
Not long now and the hills will be alive to the sound of BDA enignes and the skies lit up by spotlights.

1 February 2012

Get Focused, Get Connected

Once again Damian Cole partnered by James Morgan will tackle the REIS Get Connected MSA Asphalt Rally Championship in the double championship winning Ford Focus 05 WRC.

27 November 2011

Bring On 2012

With 2011 coming to a close now, everyones efforts are being put into planning for 2012 which is shaping up to be just as busy or maybe busier than 2011.

In 2011 the Ford Focus WRC car proved to be a good choice for a number of competitors, proving the cars are a good clubman car and wins are possibly in the older 01 cars aswell as the newer 05 and 08 cars.